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31 Days of LinkedIn Challenge

Updated On January 14, 2024

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As I was basking in the glow of my recent birthday, something clicked while replying to all those heartfelt wishes flooding my LinkedIn feed. It hit me—I’ve relaunched my web design biz, and LinkedIn’s the powerhouse I need to conquer! So, why not dive headfirst into 2024 with a 31-day LinkedIn challenge designed to turbocharge your profile, supercharge your connections, and magnetize those dream job offers or clients?

No more playing it safe on LinkedIn. We’re diving into a daily dose of career rocket fuel to revamp your profile, power connect with industry pros, and make LinkedIn your professional playground.

And to make this journey smoother than silk, I’ve got your back! You can sign up for a daily email packed with the day’s challenge, keeping you locked, loaded, and ready to crush it.

Day 1: Update your profile picture to a professional, high-quality image.

Your profile picture is your virtual handshake. A polished, professional image instantly boosts your credibility and draws attention. Choose a picture that aligns with your personal brand and industry.

Day 2: Craft a compelling headline that clearly defines your professional identity.

Your headline is prime real estate—it’s the first thing people see. Craft a succinct yet powerful statement that highlights your expertise and immediately communicates what you bring to the table.

Day 3: Rewrite your summary to highlight your expertise, achievements, and future goals.

Your summary is your elevator pitch. Showcase your unique skills, experiences, and aspirations in a compelling narrative. Make it engaging, giving visitors a reason to dive deeper into your profile.

Day 4: Identify and integrate relevant keywords in your profile for better search visibility.

Keywords are the secret sauce for being discovered on LinkedIn. Identify the industry-relevant terms and phrases your audience might search for and strategically weave them into your profile.

Day 5: Connect with three industry influencers or leaders in your field.

Networking is gold on LinkedIn. Reach out to influencers or leaders in your industry—it’s a strategic move that can open doors to opportunities and insights.

Day 6: Join and actively participate in three relevant LinkedIn groups.

Groups are hubs of knowledge and connection. Join groups aligned with your industry and actively engage—ask questions, share insights, and establish yourself as a valuable contributor.

Day 7: Request recommendations from colleagues or clients to build credibility.

Recommendations act as testimonials for your skills. Reach out to past colleagues or clients and request thoughtful recommendations that highlight your strengths.

Day 8: Share a recent professional accomplishment or project update.

Showcasing your wins keeps your profile fresh. Share a recent achievement, project completion, or milestone—it’s a fantastic way to demonstrate your value.

Day 9: Share an industry-related article with your insights.

Position yourself as an industry expert. Share an article relevant to your field, adding your perspective or insights. This shows your engagement and knowledge in the industry.

Day 10: Post a thoughtful comment on a trending industry post.

Engaging with trending posts boosts your visibility. Leave a meaningful comment that adds value or sparks discussion within the industry.

Day 11: Connect with five new professionals in your industry.

Expand your network strategically. Connect with professionals whose work or expertise aligns with yours—it’s a step towards building a robust network.

Day 12: Engage in a conversation with a connection through direct messages.

Foster deeper connections by initiating a meaningful conversation with one of your connections. It’s a chance to build rapport and explore potential collaborations or shared interests.

Day 13: Follow three relevant companies for industry updates.

Stay in the loop! Following companies relevant to your field keeps you updated on industry trends, job openings, and potential opportunities.

Day 14: Endorse skills of three of your connections.

Spread positivity in your network by endorsing the skills of your connections. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way in strengthening professional relationships.

Day 15: Identify a skill gap and enroll in a relevant LinkedIn Learning course.

Continuous learning is key to growth. Identify a skill you want to develop further and enroll in a LinkedIn Learning course tailored to that skill.

Day 16: Share a key takeaway from a course or webinar you attended.

Put your learning into action! Share a valuable lesson or insight you gained from a recent course or webinar. It showcases your commitment to growth.

Day 17: Update your skills section with newly acquired knowledge.

Keep your skills section current. Add any new skills or certifications you’ve acquired through courses or experiences.

Day 18: Write a post seeking advice on a professional challenge you’re facing.

Don’t be afraid to seek guidance. Share a specific professional challenge you’re encountering and ask for advice or insights from your network.

Day 19: Create and share a short video introducing yourself and your expertise.

Video content is king! Introduce yourself and highlight your expertise in a short, engaging video—personalize your profile and make a memorable impression.

Day 20: Write a long-form post on a relevant industry topic.

Showcase your thought leadership. Write a detailed, insightful post on a trending or crucial topic within your industry.

Day 21: Share a success story or lessons learned from a project you worked on.

Stories resonate! Share a success story or lessons learned from a project—it adds depth to your profile and demonstrates your practical experience.

Day 22: Interactive Showcase

Create a visually engaging post or presentation showcasing a project you’ve worked on. It could be a before-and-after design, a snippet of code, or highlights from a successful campaign. Encourage your network to engage by sharing their thoughts or experiences related to the showcased project.

Day 23: Networking Power Hour

Dedicate an hour to expanding your professional network. Connect with at least ten new professionals in your industry. Send personalized connection requests with a brief message expressing why you want to connect. Engage in a conversation with at least three of your new connections, showing genuine interest in their work or experiences.

Day 24: Skill-Boost Challenge

Identify a skill that’s valuable in your industry but not part of your current skill set. Dedicate some time to learning the basics of this skill. Share your learning journey on LinkedIn, expressing your interest in continuous growth. Encourage others to share their skill development experiences, creating a supportive learning environment within your network.

Day 25: Participate in a LinkedIn Live session or host your own short webinar.

Go live! Engage with your network through a LinkedIn Live session or host a short, informative webinar on a topic relevant to your audience.

Day 26: Review your LinkedIn analytics to understand post performance.

Numbers tell a story. Dive into your LinkedIn analytics to understand which posts perform best and gather insights into your audience’s preferences.

Day 27: Adjust your content strategy based on analytics insights.

Data-driven decisions! Use the insights from your analytics to refine and improve your content strategy for better engagement.

Day 28: Showcase Your Skills – Create a Multimedia Portfolio

Turn your profile into a visual feast! Compile your best work samples into a multimedia portfolio showcasing your talents and accomplishments.

Day 29: Reflect on your LinkedIn journey so far; what worked, what didn’t?

Take a breather and assess your journey. Reflect on what strategies yielded results and what could be improved upon for future growth.

Day 30: Set specific LinkedIn goals for the next month.

Goal setting fuels progress. Define clear, achievable goals for your LinkedIn activity in the upcoming month to maintain momentum.

Day 31: Share your LinkedIn goals with your network.

Transparency and accountability! Share your newly set LinkedIn goals with your network—it invites support, encouragement, and potential collaborations as you strive to achieve them.

So, who’s with me? Let’s make 2024 the year LinkedIn becomes a tool to get the professional outcomes you want!


Karmen Kendrick

Karmen Kendrick is an Atlanta, GA based creator, designer, and marketer with over 7 years of experience in helping others build websites and brand themselves in the digital world. When she’s not working, you can find her painting, roller skating, or shopping for home decor.

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